delivery date中文翻译,delivery date是什么意思,delivery date发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-20 16:22小编

 delivery date中文翻译,delivery date是什么意思,delivery date发音、用法及例句

delivery date发音

英:  美:

delivery date中文意思翻译

常用释义: 交货日期


delivery date双语使用场景

1、Douglas: Sure. One of our must points is the delivery date, right?───道格拉斯: 没问题. 我们不能让步的条件之一是运送日期, 对吧?

2、You may know that the delivery date is very important to us.───你也许了解装货期对我们非常重要.

3、A delivery date is stipulated in the contract.───合同中规定了交货日期。

4、I don't think we can meet the delivery date you suggest.───译文:我想我们无法满足贵方提出的交货日期.

5、Accept customer order , registration , check stock status, confirm production & delivery date .───接受客户订单, 检查库存状况, 确定生产 交付日期.

6、Place of delivery: ShanghaiPlease indicate the delivery date and of payment.───交货地点上海,请注明交货期及付款方式. 英语怎么说?

7、One of our must points is the delivery date, right?───我们不能让步的条件之一是运送日期, 对 吧 ?

8、If you can apply any connector delivery date is 15 - 20 days.───如果你方需要任何连接器,我方的交货日期是 15-20 天.

9、Delivery date: within 15 days after receiving the deposit.───交货日期: 收到定金15日内.

10、The quality is acceptable to us, but the delivery date is not.───质量可以接受但交货期不能接受.

11、I'll telex home for the earliest possible delivery date.───我会给国内打电报尽可能把交货日期提前.

12、Please make us a firm offer, indicating the earliest delivery date.───请报实盘并说明最早交货期.

13、Would you tell us your earliest delivery date?───你能告诉我们你们最早的送货日期吗?

14、Ensure delivery date, can solve urgent problems to meet requirement of production.───保证及时供货, 并能解决紧急问题,满足生产的需要.

15、I'll telex my home office for the earliest possible delivery date.───我将给总部打电传请示最早交货日期.

16、What will I say is the reason we postponed the delivery date?───延缓交货日期的理由,我该说什么 呢 ?

delivery date相似词语短语

1、delivery vans───厢式送货车

2、delivery suite───送货套房

3、delivery note───提货单;交货通知

4、deliver care───提供护理

5、delivery van───厢式送货车

6、delivery notes───提货单;交货通知

7、delivery charge───送货单;运输费用


delivery date英: [diˈlivəri deit]美: [dɪˈlɪvəri det][词典]是交货日期,不是发货也不是到货;例句:Once we receive your purchase order, we'll confirm the delivery date with you.我们一接到你的订单,我们就会与你确认交货日期。
