
英语听力2024-04-22 01:54:00小编



英文释义:The Old City God Temple refers to a temple dedicated to the City God, mainly used for worship and admiration. In traditional Chinese culture, the City God is regarded as a guardian who protects the city and blesses the people with safety. Therefore, the Old City God Temple is also seen as a symbol of people's faith and culture.

二:怎么读(音标):lǎo chéng huáng miào



1. 我们每年都会去老城隍庙拜年。

We go to the Old City God Temple every year to celebrate Chinese New Year.

2. 这是一座历史悠久的老城隍庙,吸引了许多游客前来参观。

This is an ancient Old City God Temple that attracts many tourists to visit.

3. 上海的老城隍庙是一处融合了传统文化和现代建筑的景点。

The Old City God Temple in Shanghai is a scenic spot that combines traditional culture and modern architecture.

4. 老城隍庙里供奉着许多城隍神像,民众可以向他们祈求平安和幸福。

There are many statues of City Gods enshrined in the Old City God Temple, where people can pray for peace and happiness.

5. 除了供奉城隍神,老城隍庙也是一处保存着许多古代文物和艺术品的博物馆。

In addition to worshipping the City God, the Old City God Temple is also a museum that preserves many ancient relics and artworks.


